Garage & Gym
Design for new garage along with gymnasium
Large roller shutter door to front
Ceiling high enough to allow the boot of the car to open
Prepare a material and finishes specification to be agreed by the client but looking to go with contemporary feel
Glazing to side and rear
Personnel door to side or rear
Storeroom and work bench area to be accommodated within the rear
We were given free rein with this particular project as the client had already engaged with another Architect but needed a fresh set of eyes to look at a redesign. The inspiration for this project was drawn largely from the historic red brick of the host dwelling along with our signature flat roof overhang. We love this particular style of roof, as it enables the use of some spectacular flush mounted downlighters, which at night highlight the simple form of the garage roof. We were also very lucky to be able to put our stamp on the fenestration adjacent to the personnel door with the tapering glazed side screen, divided up with glazing bars in a random pattern, with the finish of these to match the main garage and personnel doors. The final design element worth mentioning, are the corner bifold doors which have been designed to pull back in both directions to leave a supporting column and take full advantage of the view to the rear of the dwelling – a challenging engineering feat, but made all the easier by the relationship with our go to structural engineer.